Learn How To Get Rid Of Genital Warts With Home Remedies

This article will enable you to learn how to get rid of genital warts by using some natural home remedies which are available


Genital warts are also called anal warts, condylomata acuminata, anogenital warts or venereal warts, which are one of highly contagious sexually transmitted diseases. Genital warts are caused by some types of HPV (human papillomavirus). If they are not treated, genital warts can have the bad effects on your overall health in general and your sexual life and reproductive health in particular. In fact, with some natural home remedies, you can get rid of genital warts easily. There are some kinds of remedies for genital warts that using them will help you remove your genital warts.

Remedies For Genital Warts Removal

1. Fig Leaf

Fig leaf is an herb that is useful for you to get rid of genital warts. Moreover, it can cure your condition without any mess and prevent the return of genital warts. The milky soap of fig leaf contains Ficain, an enzyme, which is wondering for you to get rid of genital warts. Further, when you use fig leaf sap to cure your genital warts, you will not even feel any stinging or burning. To remove the genital warts, you need get a fig leaf and break it to extract the milky sap. After that, dab some of this sap on your genital warts and let it do the rest. Use it two to three times a day and you can get rid of genital warts completely within 2 weeks if it works for you.

2. Banana Peel

Banana is a healthy kind of potassium rich foods  that has many benefits for your health. More than that, its peel also good for you that it can help you get rid of genital warts effectively due to its enzymes, which can help you dissolve the warts safely. Every night before you go to bed, you should cut a piece of banana peel and place the inside of this piece against your genital warts. Use a bandage or tape to secure the peel and leave it overnight. Remove it after you wake up in the morning. You should use this remedy for about two weeks or till your genital warts change the color and fall off the skin.

3. Tea And Olive Leaf Extract

In the Ancient Egypt, olive leaf extract is well known as an effective medication. A recent study has shown that the anti-viral compound in olive leaf can help people restrict the entire specific system of virus in their body. Olive leaf can also interfere with the production of essential amino acid for viruses, so it can stop viral infection. Since olive leaf extract can stop viral replication by penetrating directly into infected cells, it can effectively help you get rid of genital warts. To boost your antiviral activity and immunity, you can take 250 - 500 milligrams of olive leaf extract one to three times per day or drink the tea made from olive leaf.

Olive leaf tea can be made by adding 1 teaspoon of dried olive leaves into 1 cup of hot water and steep for five to ten minutes. After that, strain and drink the tea two to three times per day. The dried olive leaves are available in any herbal tea store, grocery shop or herbal store, or you can dry olive leaves yourself. Be careful when using this remedy if you are nursing mothers or pregnant as olive leaf extract can affect blood’s clotting ability when reacting to some certain medications.

4. Tea Tree Oil

To get rid of genital warts, you also can use tea tree oil due to its excellent anti-fungal, anti-viral and antiseptic properties. Using tea tree oil to remove genital warts also helps you save the surrounding skin. Remember using a carrier oil to dilute tea tree oil before you apply it on the genital warts because the pure form of tea tree oil is so strong that can cause skin irritation. Simply mix four to five drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or almond oil and then dab this mixture on the genital wart for several times daily. Another way to get rid of genital warts with tea tree oil is pouring five to six drops of tea tree oil in the warm bath water. Soak your lower body for fifteen to twenty minutes two to three times a day.

All of these natural home remedies are helpful for you to get rid of genital warts. With the help of them, you can remove your warts easily at your own home. If they do not work for you, you can find out other effective ways to get rid of genital warts in How I Permanently Cured Genital Warts review. After reading this post, if you have any question, feel free to leave it below. 

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